In today's world, society places far more significance on matters which are bot neccesary. We are taught from a young age that qualifications, popularity and earthly possessions are among yhe most important things.
Really?! Will my qualifications give me access to heaven? Will how many friends I have tell me what my Heavenly Father thinks about me? Will my earrthly possessions live on into eternity?
Let's remember who we are and where we come from. Let's refocus our minds on whom our identity is found. Let's define what the true meaning of beauty is as we go on a journey beyond this world. Let's ;eave what is behind and focus our lives on the One who tells the truth and gives more than this world can offter.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know full well. (Psalm 139:14)
Created In God's Image: How He Views Us
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