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Breaking Down Barriers

So, I may be a little late to the party, but Monday was "Blue Monday". Now, I wonder if you are like me and wondered what Blue Monday was.

Blue Monday is considered to be the most depressing day of the year. Its name comes from the fact that it occurs a couple of weeks after Christmas. Workers must wait another week before payday, and people feel miserable because of the cold weather. They have already been unable to keep to their New Year's Resolutions.

I feel blue for most of January when I do not fix my eyes on Jesus. I hate winter mainly due to the dark nights and cold weather. I have to be careful that I do not wish the year away. The issue is that I love summer and wish to hibernate through the winter.

A Year With A Difference

Even though I hate winter so much, I am determined not to allow myself to wish a quarter of the year away. With God's help, l can face the arduous days head-on. I am choosing not to be miserable about the weather or the cold nights, etc, but I know that God has a purpose for me every season. Therefore, I aim to enjoy every season and make the most of every day.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)

I know that I am not the only one who has struggles. In fact, my struggles are far less significant than the struggles of other people. I am moaning about the weather outside when many are struggling with their health, careers, finances, and family problems; the list is endless.

When I am struggling, I remind myself not to look in front of me but to look above. If you are unsure what this means, I try to take my focus off myself, and I do not allow the opinions of this world, including my peers, to influence me. Instead, I remind myself of the One who made me and what He says because His opinion matters, and He is the One I am living for.

Our Promise At Adore

Our second aim is "to break down barriers by bringing God's love and His Word to girls and women from every walk of life."

As a Christian organisation, we believe in Jesus. Each team member lives for Jesus: they love Him and have had personal encounters with Him. They have stories of how He has made a difference in their lives. Our heart is to see every girl and woman fall in love with Jesus and experience a personal relationship with Jesus. We know that life is not always easy, but as a team, we have all had our own personal challenges, and God has brought us hope.

At Adore, we want to be a family of girls and women. We want girls and women, whoever they are and wherever they come from, to know that they are loved by God and that we, too, care about them. Therefore, we aim to share God's love through words and actions.

We want to help tackle one of this country's most significant issues at the moment, which is loneliness. We want opportunities for girls and women to gather online and in person. We want to give to those in need, i.e., the B-Loved Project. Our project helps children's hospitals by providing craft and emergency packs for patients and their families: we aim to launch in hospitals across the country this year. We want to draw girls and women to Jesus by putting prayer and worship at the centre of everything we do.

My Challenge To You

The world allows us to believe that January is the most depressing month. We are made to believe there is no hope in getting excited about the beginning of a new year. The world makes us believe the lie that we will break any resolution we make. Therefore, we may as well not make any resolutions in the first place.

However, is this the way Jesus lives? What do you think He has to say about living with this mindset?!

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10)

Jesus intends for us to live a long, happy life full of His greatest blessings. What life are you going to choose to live out?

By Lizzy Price

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